How I prepared for the Step 3
Total studying time:
1 year = 10 month lax with 2 month intense studying
Resources used:
Step up to medicine (read once through and then
revised my notes from then on)
Mtb (read multiple times)
Secrets: only the biostats section
First aide step 1: only the biostats section
Uworld qbank: went through it once.
UW CCS cases (51): went through it once
Crash CCS: went through the first 120 cases as
part of a study group.
Archer CCS: watched 2 videos- strategy video (3
hours) and the next video in line (10hrs). GREAT RESOURCE!!!!
Practice tests:
Uworld qbank: 59%
NBME (done before uwsa): 320
UWSA: 185
USMLE STEP 3 score:
Study schedule:
In the first 7 months, I eased my way into studying. The
first book I tackled was Step Up to Medicine. I started by reading 5 pages a
day so to build consistency. Then I moved to 10 pages, and finally 20 pages a
day. I finally finished step up to medicine around May.
The next book I tackled was MTB. I read a chapter a day. If
the chapters where less than 20 pages I would read about 2 chapters. I was done
by the end of June.
In July, I added working with study groups to my routine. I
had 3 study groups in total: CCS, statistics, uw qbank.
From July to my test date Sep 16, I studied from 4 am- 11pm.
There were breaks in between of course but it was still intense. I did not want
to look back on this exam thinking I could have done more. Pass or fail I would
know I gave it my all.
In summary, I started slow and built up momentum. At the
very beginning I mapped out the resources that I would use and how much time it
would take to complete them. I followed my schedule as well as I could. It all
worked out in the in the end because I passed!!!!
Things I would change:
I would start doing CCS a little earlier
I would read first aide along with MTB sections.
Note, I am not saying the whole first aide book. I would just read the sections
that correspond with the chapters in MTB. There were some tough step 1
questions on the exam.
Good luck!!!
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