Monday, September 30, 2013

How am I studying for the Step 2 CS

My CS is scheduled for October 8th, 2013. Thats right around the corner; about 7 days to D day. Luckily for me, I just finished my pediatric allergy rotation in the bronx ( a rotation I really enjoyed so will write a blurp about it later). Since, the exam is right around the corner everyday from today is going to be crucial and as a consequence must be structured.

I will be using two resources: First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS and laura Miranda's youtube video. The essential sections of first aid that i will use are mini case section (to review ddx and appropriate lab tests) and the full length practice cases which i will go through with my sister. Laura Miranda's youtube details how she structured her approach to each patient. I will follow her approach since time is short and it makes no sense to reinvent the wheel. I am already comfortable when it comes to performing interviews but since the step is timed a structured approach is needed, this is where laura's video comes into play. See below for a link to her video.
I watched laura's video today and jotted down the structure she used for her step 2 CS. Thats it with the video.

For the next five days I will eat breath and sleep CS. Every morning, I will review the structure that i will be using (check laura's video), review my physical exam plan, and review the mini cases in first aid. For the rest of the day I will go over full length cases with my sister, 9 in total for the day and if i can i will do more.  As with all studying plans, i will change and focus on specific things as time moves on, but this is the overall plan of attack I will use. Pray for me. haha.

1) Laura Miranda's video:

2) First Aid for step 2 cs

Monday, September 23, 2013

How to succeed in medical school: Medical School is hard

            For some students medical school is a breeze but it is not for the majority. For most of us medical school is quite hard. I have to work really hard to do well, to succeed. Even then there are stumbling blocks. You might feel you are not good enough, you might  fail an exam or even fail a class. However so long as you stand back up, put your head back in the books you will succeed. Make a plan on how you'll study and follow it. Get help if you need to, get help from counselors, friends, the internet; dont be too proud. And the most important thing I would say is test yourself. Always test yourself by doing sample questions, sample practical exams sample everything to see where you lie. Enjoy this motivational video and listen to the words of Gary Raser in the back ground. It is not about medical school per se but principles of success are universally applicable.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Medical School Board Examinations: steps 1, 2 cs and ck, and 3

All major board exam are daunting, however for exams with a huge impact on whether or not you will have access to multiple residency spots they are especially more so. An example of the latter for medical students are the United States Medical Licensing Examination Board Step exams (Step 1, Step 2 Cs, step 2 Ck and step 3) For medical students these exams are vital and even more so for Caribbean students as it tests everyone (whether you attended a foreign or US medical school) for a standardized level of aptitude and knowledge.

The step 1 exam tests your knowledge of basic sciences. Step 2 exams test application of clinical and medical knowledge in supervised patient care. It is split into a practical portion, the step 2cs, as well as a multiple choice portion, the step 2ck. The Step 3 exam is basically like the step 2 exam but it tests the knowledge needed for unsupervised medical care.

Doing well on these exams can open or close doors. Some residency programs use Step scores cut offs to filter applicants. The type of score that is acceptable depends on the specialty you are interested in. In 2011 students aiming for family medicine that matched had an average of 213 and those who did not match had an average of 201. For dermatology the average score for applicants that matched was 244 and for those would did not match it was 227. Now 227 is not a bad score its actually pretty good. However, it becomes more difficult to get into specialties like dermatology. However a score of 240 will have a lot of programs at least consider your application. Thats why it is important to work as hard as possible to get as good a score as you can.

For AUC students we take the step 1 exam before commencing clinical rotations because that is a requirement. The Step 2 exams are usually taken in at the end of third year but this is not an iron clad rule; there are exceptions of course. For example in AUC if you are want to take the Step 2 ck exam before completing your core rotations you have to take and pass a comprehensive exam before you can take it you can take it. If you're not taking the exam early you dont have to worry about the comprehensive exam.

Another thing to consider when scheduling your step exam is the time it takes for your score to be reported. It takes about 2 months to get the results for the Step 2cs exam so some students take this at least 2 months prior to Residency application program opens so that they have the results by the time they send out their applications. Others take it after the the application program oppens and thats fine too. However, I feel that it is best to have everything ie your scores, resume, recommendations etc in early. (Does not mean its the only timing you can follow.)

I took my Step 1 exam following the aforementioned schedule. I studied to exhaustion and got a result I am satisfied with. Next up on my plate is the Step 2cs which I will be taking in October. After that in December I will take my 2ck exam. I am aiming for the match in 2015 so I have a bit of time. Wish me luck!!

In the near future, I might write about how I studied for the step 1 exam and how I am studying for these exams.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Not everyday...

Its not everyday that you see a child crying as he is leaving a hospital/clinic. My last patient today started balling when it was time to head out. He reached for my hand and wanted to stay. So i told him everyone that stays gets a needle. haha. thats a joke. I said we're here and we'll see him some other time. 3 years old imitating taking lung sounds with my stethoscope. Everyone in the room became his patient. The joys of childhood...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Missed me??

I missed you too. It has been quite a while since my last post. I'll try to post more. In other news GHANA qualified for the worldcup, Brazil 2014.