Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The uncertainty of the Match Process

After you have done everything in your power to match, the final decision is completely out of your hands. Did the programs which interviewed you rank you; did they rank you high enough; will you match? Also, if you do match will you match at your first choice, second, or third etc. The uncertainty of the match is driving me crazy.

To deal with this same uncertainty, people look at the probability of matching based on the number of interviews they had. I’m not sure how true this is but I saw somewhere that if you get 12 interviews you will have a 90% chance of matching. Consequently, if they received that number of interviews they feel safe. Whereas those that got fewer interviews feel like they have less of a chance. I do not ascribe to this method.

These are just numbers. Yes it might be true that a certain number of interviews means you have a higher likelihood of matching merely because out of those 12 there is surely one person that will like you. But at the same time if you do not interview well all the programs could rank you very low or not a all. I personally know people that matched with just 1-2 interviews. I have also heard people that got greater than 10 interviews not matching. Consequently, the safe zone is not in the number of interviews.

I feel like the best thing that I did for myself is to prepare well for each interview. Do my very best at each interview to show them who I really am as a person- my strengths and my flaws with how I am working on them. Knowing that I did my best I can simply sit back and watch the chips fall where they will.

If you did your best, presenting yourself very well to residency programs then whether you have a lot of interviews or only a few interviews I want you to know that you have done your part. What’s left is the unveiling that will take place on Match Day, March 13th 2017.

I will be keeping busy tutoring for CS, going to clinic and binge watching different tv series. Medici Masters of Florence is awesome. Thank me later. But, but, but, but… even with all of this I know that uncertainty will still occasionally creep through occasionally, and that is fine too.

12 days left till March 13th, 2017.

Good luck with the Match everyone!!!

Latest post: 7 days left!!


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