Momentum has been one of the things that has made life so much easier. Doing a little bit everyday is the way I undertook the gargantuan journey of studying for my Step 3 exam. By doing a little bit everyday you can stave off cramming, which will not help you with your Step exam.
Keeping the momentum through consistent action is very difficult. If there is any doubt about how difficult this is ask yourself, "have I ever said meh not today, i will do it tomorrow," and then proceeded to not do anything for the next few days losing track of time. Remember when you said you will work out weekly and then you took a day off and then boom you lost a few days, months or years. That happened to me.
I got sick 3 weeks ago so I stopped my morning exercise routine of push ups, sit ups, and squats. Then I got better and still did not work out. "I will start tomorrow." That tomorrow came and I still did not work out. This continued for 3 weeks. However, I am glad to say that I am back on track today.
I rolled out of bed and did my exercise routine. I started small, doing only about 1/3 of the number of reps I usually do. I have found starting small to be very beneficial in maintaining momentum.
By doing only a few reps to start out, I basically give myself no out to make excuses. I can't say I do not have time, because this will take me only about 5 minutes. I can't say it is too hard because it is 1/3 the normal amount of reps I do. Lastly, knowing that I can do it quickly and knowing that i have no excuse to bail I end up working out consistently gradually building momentum.
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