And 2 nd place goes to ... ... Drum Roll... "kwasi".
That sounds great until you know I placed 2nd out of 2. loool. But at least I have a new trophy to grace some shelf.
I hate losing. I really do. I worked really hard on my speech. It had multiple stories interwoven meticulously to create an ultimate impact. But with loss comes an ability to learn.
Giving speeches is all about communicating, and communicating is all about getting your point across to your audience. If I wasn't able to get my point across, no matter how awesome I initially thought my speech was, it really wasn't.
Where did I go wrong? One of the Judges shared some feedback. She made three points:
1) she couldn't really hear me when I faced a different direction. Therefore, she missed a lot of words, possibly important words.
2) She felt like there where too many points being made in the speech
3) she felt I could work on the structure
I always try to be careful when taking feedback- whether it be in medicine, giving speeches, investing in stocks. First off, I always listen to critique, no matter who it is from. Secondly, I try to find its relevance. Was the evaluation on point or was it off the mark because they did not understand something.
In this case, did she feel there was no structure, or that there where too many points being made because she did not hear some vital words in the speech that tied everything together. Or did the structure really need work, and the points really need some sharpening.
If the problem stems from her inability to hear me, then the solution is quite clear, I need to really work on my delivery of my material, in this case my voice in particular.
If the problem is the actual material i need to work it over some more.
To find out which is which, I'll give the speech again and find out what other advanced people think.
All this said, I am taking nothing away from the winner. He did great! While losing is annoying and sucks, it is also the place where one finds growth. This applies to everything, even to the residency match. Do not the pain of loss go to waste.
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