I will be using two resources: First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS and laura Miranda's youtube video. The essential sections of first aid that i will use are mini case section (to review ddx and appropriate lab tests) and the full length practice cases which i will go through with my sister. Laura Miranda's youtube details how she structured her approach to each patient. I will follow her approach since time is short and it makes no sense to reinvent the wheel. I am already comfortable when it comes to performing interviews but since the step is timed a structured approach is needed, this is where laura's video comes into play. See below for a link to her video.
I watched laura's video today and jotted down the structure she used for her step 2 CS. Thats it with the video.
For the next five days I will eat breath and sleep CS. Every morning, I will review the structure that i will be using (check laura's video), review my physical exam plan, and review the mini cases in first aid. For the rest of the day I will go over full length cases with my sister, 9 in total for the day and if i can i will do more. As with all studying plans, i will change and focus on specific things as time moves on, but this is the overall plan of attack I will use. Pray for me. haha.
1) Laura Miranda's video:
2) First Aid for step 2 cs